Monday, April 15, 2019

Spending Energy Wisely

When you have an ideal location overlooking park to beach to ocean to island and a desire to build a high energy efficient and performance home then new ideas and solutions come to hand.

Tucking the garage to the rear allows full access to the ocean views.

The design has gone through various permutations looking for the right outcome. In the end a roof deck taking advantage of the oean outlook was dropped to bring the project within budget.

And the completed home.

Performance in the winter has been excellent with no heating required except for the natural low winter sun entering deep into the large living room windows. 
Summer has been not quite as good despite the large areas of glass being shaded the whole day except for late in the afternoon when the sun setting over the ocean is low enough to get passed the large overhung verandahs.  It would appear that the glass is allowing in substantial amounts of ambient heat.

But overall the clients are really enjoying their luxury home by the sea with broad views of the every changing ocean and sky with sunsets and boating activity.

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